Throughout the years, YAHUAH has given me the opportunity to create many types of ministries; you will read about previous ones in my Testimony, or at least about some of the past ones.
I will only share the ones that are currently operating and creating impacts on people’s lives.
1. Christian Translation: My main ministry is my dream job; the one everyone dreams about and just a few are able to get it. Well, I am one of these few people that are able to do what they love and at the same time enjoy it.
Christian Translation is my main ministry and focus as well. This is a ministry working with hundreds of pastors, leaders, writers, missionaries, church planters, Christian organizations in general to spread the Gospel of our Adonay YAHUSHA into as many languages as possible.
It started somewhere 2004, after realizing there were two things I loved the most and that I was passionate about.
My Adonay and Savior YAHUSHA: YAHUAH gave me knowledge about His Word and that became a passion for me. My inner desire to share it with the world. I learned the needs of sharing the Gospel with everyone around me and the great need people have to hear it no matter where they are, no matter the language barrier.
All my knowledge and learning were about the Bible, reaching in and out. My passion, my Adonay YAHUSHA. Preaching, teaching, planting churches, evangelism everything related to the Bible.
- Languages: my second passion and deepest inner desire to learn and master a new language; but not for the sake of learning it. I just did not wanted to feel helpless around people of other nationalities, I wanted to help them, I wanted to reach out to them, I wanted to get to them with the Word of YAHUAH.
I learned many things and suddenly, that thought came into my mind “if all I know is about the Bible and languages, if these two are my passions, why not combine them into one and “Boom”, Christian Translation was born.
After 15 years or so working on my dream job and passion, my ministry. YAHUAH has been using us tremendously. Having teams of Christian Translators in more than 40 countries and translating Christian materials into more than 150 languages. We are blessed every time we receive a report from one of our partner ministries sharing the many conversions, faith professions, millions reached using our translations.
We are helping other ministries and leaders reach the end of the world (literally) with our Christian Translation services. Praise YAHUAH.
It is not only about Christian Translation, we connect pastors and leaders into many nations. When they want a Christian contact or leader in one of the host nations or they just want to work on those nations, we gladly hook them up with some of our international leaders for that nation. Visit the websites for more information. &
2. Christian Book Reviews: I did not know about the great needs for reviews from Christian writers and publishers until YAHUAH tugged me into focusing on writing and publishing my books.
I thought that I only needed to write and publish my books (self-publishing), but I learned the hard way; this is just a small piece of the puzzle and the beginning of everything.
From creating, a Christian book cover, editing, formatting, and designing a Christian website, marketing the books, promoting them online, all of these leading into the needs of book reviews. I did not know how important and critical a book review was for this process of reaching people with the words YAHUAH allowed me to share.
After all the frustrating and hardships, the knowledge and experience in the process allow me to understand and serve other writers in a better way; thus paving their path to better success.
Then Christian Book Reviews ministry came to light. Offering services to other authors in many languages, thus helping them make their books visible and increasing their target audience as well as credibility online.
We also, help through this ministry to create Christian book cover, self-publishing, and editing, content creation and search engine ranking.
3. Christian Web Hosting & Christian Web Design: After many years of working online and understanding the need for ministries and leaders to have a website and after owning more than 25 websites online. We created the Christian Web Design services and Christian Web Hosting.
Many are not aware, but for you to have a website designed, first you need to have your domain name or URL (Universal Resource locator) and the Hosting space; that is where you will host your domain name and have it available to the world. Only after that, you can start creating your website.
We have helped many church leaders and ministries by creating their websites and contents into many languages; giving them the opportunity to share their message with the world through the World Wide Web.
4. My Books: I have also created a more personal website dedicated to all my books, where you can find them easily.
There you will find all relevant information about learning a new language, it could Spanish, English, Italian and / or Haitian Creole.
You will also find information on my Christian Fiction novel “The Hero Within Series” and how to get them. For more information visit .