One life – One divine purpose – YAHUAH’s purpose and plan

One life – One divine purpose – YAHUAH’s purpose and plan

There is an existential question going on from the beginning of humankind.

Why am I here on this earth? There is no right or wrong answer to that. We are all different and we must discover the true nature of that question in our lives.

My parents conceived me, I had no idea why, but they conceived me and brought me to this world. I did not ask to come to this world, but they brought me in.

I was a sick child as you have read in my testimony and nothing good was expected to come out of this weakling sick child. They never realized that there was a divine purpose in bringing me to this life. YAHUAH had a purpose for me, even before I was born.

But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.

Psalm 33:11

It is clear that YAHUAH has made plans and preparations even before the creation of the world and His purpose will endure through all generations. It does not matter, if you are aware of it or not. YAHUAH’s plans and purposes will stand firm.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, YAHUAH’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9

I don’t know about you, but I firmly believe that I am a chosen one and that I am YAHUAH’s special possession. That is the reason for Him to have a purpose in my life.

Are you one of the chosen ones? Do you have a purpose in your life?

If you still don’t know if you are part of the chosen ones by YAHUAH; then it is time for you to start your journey of self-discovery. Somewhere in the path of your journey, you will find the answer to the second question. You will understand that you indeed have a purpose to fulfill in your life.

If you still don’t understand what I am trying to tell you, just read below.

For we are YAHUAH’s handiwork, created in YAHUSHA to do good works, which YAHUAH prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

We are YAHUAH’s creation; He created us with His own hands (think back to the creation of Adam and Eve). To make things better and confirm it, we are created spiritually in YAHUSHA.

What did YAHUAH create us for? To do good works. In addition, this work was prepared by YAHUAH long before we come to this world. In other words, we were created with a purpose in mind.

How can I discover or know the purpose of my creation? As stated before, you need to work on your self-discovery journey (spiritual self-discovery) to find out the true answer to this question in your life.

We were not all created with the same purpose. Remember that you are part of the body of YAHUSHA (if you are already a believer) and if you are not yet a believer, then start considering joining the winning team of YAHUSHA.

The human body consists of the legs, the torso, the arms, the neck, and the head. An adult human body consists of about 100 trillion (1014) cells. The most commonly defined body systems in humans are the nervous, the cardiovascular, the circulatory, the digestive, the endocrine, the immune, the integumentary, the lymphatic, the musculoskeletal, the reproductive, the respiratory, and the urinary system.


As you can read from the excerpt of Wikipedia, there are about 100 trillion of cells in the human body.

The same way, there are trillions of cells in the body of YAHUSHAt. Each one of these cells are identified by its owner our YAHUAH ĔLÔHÎYM.

And I am only referring to cells, because it will take us a very long time to show each part of the body and how many members (pieces, nerves, etc…) there are. This is just a glimpse for you to understand what I am explaining to you.

Each cell has a purpose; YAHUAH did not create them without a purpose or function. In the very same way, we were all created as part of the body of YAHUSHA and each one of us has a function (purpose).

I don’t know which part of the body you are and honestly speaking, there is no way to determine this, but there is a way to determine your roles, tasks and functions in the body of YAHUSHA. Your purpose.

Maybe, I am just a nail or even a booger in the eye, but guess what; even the booger in the eye has a purpose (figurative speech).

“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.

Job 42:2

The purpose of YAHUAH in our lives cannot be thwarted; nobody can prevent it from happening.

 That is how certain and sure, I am about YAHUAH’s purpose in my life and that He as a purpose in your life as well.

Maybe you were born with privileges and come from what people might call “something”, perhaps you were someone important, useful and fruitful before your call to serve YAHUSHA. Or maybe you are yet to be called or that YAHUAH is calling you at this very moment and you are fruitful somehow; according to the world standards.

Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But YAHUAH chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; YAHUAH chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 YAHUAH chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him.

1 Corinthians 1:25-29

I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am not part of the wise, influential or noble group by human standard.

On the contrary, I belong to the “foolish, weak and lowly” group in this world. Literally speaking, I was a weakling, foolish and of the lowly (lowest) level in this world. Nothing good, could come out of this poor sick, foolish and weakling boy.

I have gone through sufferings, hardships, sicknesses and pain most part of my life. I gave up so many times, people gave up on me, so many times, even doctors gave up on me; but YAHUAH did not give up on me, He had a purpose to fulfill.

I don’t know the struggles you’ve been going through, the hardships you’ve been suffering and the sicknesses you’ve been experimenting in your body and life; but I am 100% sure that all of this have a purpose.

And we know that in all things YAHUAH works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

All things, no matter what they are in our lives, struggles, hardships, sicknesses and anything you might be going through, they will all work for good in your life, because I am certain that you love YAHUAH. And most important, that you have been called according to His purpose.

 This is a crucial part of the process, you need to be sure that you are one of the chosen ones that you were called according to YAHUAH’s purpose, and then all things at the end will work for good in your life.

I am not saying that it is an easy road or that things will be or are a piece of cake; on the contrary, this road you are about to embrace or that you have already embraced, is full of thorns; but you MUST be certain at all times that in the end, everything will work for your own good. Even, when you don’t see it, just don’t get into despair. I know it is hard and you might say “my life is a living hell, how can it be turned into something good?

Well, I a living example of this, just read the extended version of my testimony and you will understand it better. I know that your struggles might seem bigger and harder than mine, others might think they are smaller, but let me tell you that your struggles are important to YAHUSHA and He is right there with you, He is taking you through the process and at the end you will have winning results.

You should know that the training of an athlete is not an easy process, but the reward at the end is worthy. This is the same with our race, it is not an easy race, but the final goal and achievement is worthy every single moment of it.

How do you discover the purpose on your life?

 Go through the steps I am outlining for you below and if you have not yet met any of them, make sure you start working on it today, don’t leave it for tomorrow.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of YAHUAH, which is why we call it the present.”

― Bill Keane
  1. Accept YAHUSHA as your Adonay and Savior (if you have not done so)
  2. Start your self-discovery journey by reading the Bible and getting more knowledge about YAHUAH’s purpose and plans for the humankind.
  3. Work on your prayer time with YAHUAH ( read my article about praying)
  4. You have to know what your talents, skills are. If you still don’t know what you are good at; it is time for you to start re-discovering your skills and abilities. Once you know what your talents are, which may also be your passions. We are on the right track.
  5. YAHUAH gave you certain skills and abilities, specifically to you for a reason, a purpose. You might say that you still don’t know what these skills are, but you might also know that you are passionate about something. Maybe your passion will reveal your skills and bring out the best of you. Knowing this, is the main key for your self-discovery. It might take some time for you to get to this level, do not discourage, and just continue working on it.
  6. You now know your skills and / or passions. It is time to put them into use. That is how YAHUAH will influence your life and the lives of others around you. Remember, you can never give what you don’t have. You can only give what you have. By putting your skills and passions into effect, you will find yourself re-discovering the best of your life and by sharing it with others; you will find your true call or purpose in life. YAHUAH will use your skills and passions, to inspire and bring others to His feet. That is why YAHUAH bestowed these skills and passions upon you.

Don’t overthink too much on it, maybe your skills or talents are more into talking to people, or giving counseling or listening. Maybe your talents are more like a supporter or a thinker, it does not matter what they are. You have them for a purpose in Christ. Do not let them rust or oxidize.

There is a saying “practices make perfect” that is one of the biggest truth, I’ve encountered in proverbs. Only by exercising and practicing your skills, your true talents will be revealed and your potential will exponentially increase.

Actions bring reactions, in other words, you need to act to get reactions, you cannot be just lazing and fooling around, expecting that things will come down from heaven for you. You need to act; otherwise, YAHUAH will bring someone else to do what you are not doing. Your tasks and responsibilities are yours only; but if you don’t carry them out, then YAHUAH will raise another member of the body to perform the duty and tasks you’ve neglected, because His plans and purpose will endure through generations.

“Now when Dawid had served YAHUAH’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.

Acts 13:36

This should be your goal, serve YAHUAH’s purpose on your generation, so that you may fall asleep peacefully and happily after completing them. That is if YAHUAH has not return before that. What an incredible thing to say that you have fulfilled YAHUAH’s purpose in your life. Praise YAHUAH.!


Discovering YAHUAH’s purpose in your life will always lead you on the road of reaching out for YAHUSHA or strengthening those who are already in YAHUSHA.

Our talents and skills, if we understand them correctly and use them wisely, will always be for the good of YAHUAH’s kingdom and His people. It will always carry the tasks of His Great Commission “make disciples of all nations

YAHUAH will use your strength to strengthen others, YAHUAH will use your skills to spread His Word and reach souls for His kingdom. In other words, to spread His good news and bring Salvation to lost souls through and by His Ruach.

You have a purpose in your life, you have a task in YAHUSHAt, you have a goal to achieve and you cannot neglect it. Listen to your heart, listen to YAHUAH speaking to your heart, see the signs and interpret them. YAHUAH gave you the skills to use them for His purpose and glory. You don’t want to continue being on the “Rusty talent group” otherwise, you will end up with no talent at all and someone else will overtake it for you.

When you lose a nail, doesn’t it come back again? Of course, it does. Can a body function without useless members? Of course, it does. Embrace your purpose in life and carry out your tasks.

Discovering my purpose in YAHUSHA took years, the process was long and hard, but believe me, today I rejoice in recognizing YAHUAH’s purpose in my life. I tried so many chores and new things. My life went through different stages before learning that each one of these past stages were a prelude for my preparation and understanding of my real purpose in life.

I no longer need to try to emulate others, I no longer need to try to be like others, I finally understand that I am different and that I have a different task. Thus, I concentrate all my efforts, strength and time into mastering the skills YAHUAH gave me and putting them into practice for the benefit of His people and kingdom.

“Father YAHUAH, in YAHUSHA’s almighty name, I ask you today to touch the souls and hearts of the readers. You have led them here to read this article with a purpose. Reveal your purpose in their lives and that their tasks may finally be clear to them. Help them be fruitful for your kingdom, in YAHUSHA’s name, I pray, Amen!”

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